Online ShOP

Gifts to please your loved ones or... yourself!

Some ideas for sweet moments!

Séances de Méditation en Groupe

Découvrez la Puissance de la Méditation en Groupe !

Rejoignez-nous pour une expérience enrichissante de méditation guidée en groupe, où vous pouvez explorer les profondeurs de votre esprit et cultiver un sentiment de connexion et de communauté.

Lieu : Rue du Plagniau 15 – 1330 Rixensart

Dates et Heures : les jeudis  04/04 – 18/04 – 16/05– 30/05 – 13/06  

Horaire: de 11H à 12H30


Séances de Méditation en Groupe

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Ateliers Accompagnement Collectif

Découvrez comment vous pouvez grandir et vous épanouir à travers des sessions interactives et enrichissantes axées sur des thèmes importants tels que la confiance en soi, l'estime de soi, la gratitude et la positivité, les relations interpersonnelles et la gestion du changement...

Dates ateliers : 11/04 - 25/04 - 23/05 - 06/06 - 20/06

De 18h à 20h

La VillaPlagniau vous propose un espace paisible, chaleureux et sécurisant où Tamana & Eric vous invitent à venir partager une expérience de groupe où régnera  :  Le respect mutuel, L’écoute bienveillante, Le non-jugement , La confiance mutuelle, La confidentialité, La comprehension, La collaboration , Le lâcher-prise

125€ (5 séances)

Ateliers Accompagnement Collectif

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Brunch & Wellness Sundays

Join us for a delicious and relaxing morning of 'Brunch & Wellness Sundays' at Villa Plagniau. Discover a warm and relaxed atmosphere combining an exquisite healthy brunch with a wellness session. Come and experience it with us. Reserve your place now for a revitalizing Sunday!


Brunch & Wellness Sundays

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Choice of massages (+/- 90 minutes)

The massage favors long, slow, fluid and enveloping movements that allow for deep relaxation, followed by more intense maneuvers to relieve muscle tension. A true sensation of well-being contributing to the unity and harmony of body and mind. Offer a session to savor the state of relaxation and well-being or offer a subscription to take care of yourself on a regular basis in a warm and caring environment.

1 massage session 75€.

1 hot stone massage session €90

Subscription 5 massages 350€ > 70€/session (valid for 12 months)

Subscription 10 massages 650€ > 65€/session (valid for 24 months)

Choice of massages (+/- 90 minutes)

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Choice of treatments(+/- 60 minutes)

A session or a subscription for a choice of treatments (energetic, foot or facial reflexology, ...) Offer the luxury of taking care of yourself on a regular basis in a warm and caring environment ... get a state of well-being and let go. Isn't it a beautiful gift?

1 session of treatments of your choice 45€.

Subscription of 5 treatments of your choice 200€.

Subscription of 10 treatments of your choice 350€.

Choice of treatments(+/- 60 minutes)

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Solo Escape" Stay Pack

Offer a stay pack for a "Solo escape" in a cocoon setting to disconnect for a while, slow down, recharge your batteries in the Pistachio Room, enjoy a harmonizing and relaxing massage, share a 2-course dinner with the Villa owner. Have a hearty breakfast in complete tranquility with a view of nature!

This package includes: 1 night for 1 person in the Pistache room, breakfast, 2-course dinner, harmonizing and relaxing massage.

1 person 200 €.

Solo Escape" Stay Pack

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Stay Pack "Break for Two

Offer a stay package for a "break" for two in a cocoon setting to find yourself for a moment, recharge your batteries and share emotions and sensations in the Chocolate Suite and enjoy the benefits of an energetic treatment or a reflexology session for total relaxation of body and mind. Enjoy a 2-course dinner prepared with love and passion by the owner of the Villa. Have a hearty breakfast in complete tranquility with a view of the garden!

This package includes: 1 night for 2 in the Suite Chocolat, breakfast for 2, 2-course dinner for 2, one energy treatment or reflexology session per person.

2 people €300

Stay Pack "Break for Two

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